Junsu Song

 Researcher at Pohang University of Science And Technology (POSTECH)



  • Name : Junsu Song
  • Date of birth : February 1st, 1998
  • Address : Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do (Sujeongyang)
  • Email : sb020578@hanyang.ac.kr , sb020578@naver.com
  • Git Blog : BLOG


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Official Grade

  • University Major Credit
    • Photonics & Nanoelectronics GPA: 4.21 / 4.5 (credit: 55)
    • Computer Engineering GPA: 4.32 / 4.5 (credit: 42)
      • Total GPA : 4.24 / 4.5 (credit: 150)
    • Total 755 (LC 390 / RC 365)
  • TOEIC Speaking
    • Intermediate Mid 3 (Score : 130)

Research Interests

  • Power Electronics
    • Dc-to-Dc Converter
  • HMD(Head Mounted Display)
  • Oxide TFT
    • Oxide Semiconductors ITZO TFT
    • Ferroelectric ITZO TFT (FeFET)

Research Experiences

  • Advanced Semiconductor Devices Laboratory, Hanyang University (Jun. 2021 ~ Jan. 2022)
    • “고성능 ITZO TFT을 위한 thermal annealing 공정 최적화”

Awards and Honors

  • Winner of Outstanding Award at IC-PBL Competition (2019, 2021) link
  • One Paper Startup Competition SID Awards (2021)
  • 2022 Overtail Game Jam Software Dean’s Excellence Award (2022)
  • Prime Talent Scholarship (2017, 2019-2022)

Educational activities

  • NCS Display Comprehensive Course (이공계 핵심인재 양성 평생교육원)
  • Semiconductor Failure Analysis and Reliability Assessment (반도체설계교육센터(IDEC))
  • ferroelectric device and application (반도체설계교육센터(IDEC))
  • LG Aimer (LG AI Researcher)
  • Stanford CS231 (Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition)


  • Programming language:
    • Python, C, java
  • Operating System(os) :
    • Linux(Ubuntu, CentOS8), Mac OS
  • Semiconductor Production Program:
    • Klayout (python)
  • Circuit Program:
    • PSpice , Matlab simulink, PLECS
  • Memory Program:
    • Microchip Studio (ATmega128)
  • Game-making program :
    • Unity (C#), Blender(3D model tool)